Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blog 11 : Homework

For homework we had to read Chapter 3:

Barbarian: A term used to describe the distinctive way of life based on farming, warfare, and tribal organization that became widespread in Europe beginning around 2500 B.C.
Tribe: A social and political unit consisting of a group of communities held together by common interests, traditions, and real or mythical ties of kinship.
Megalith:A large stone that forms a prehistoric monument.
Indo -European:A family of languages consisting of most of the languages of Europe as well as those of Iran, the Indian subcontinent, and other parts of Asia.
Western: Situated in the west, or directed toward or facing the west 

The Earliest Europeans

4000B.C Farming and village life had spread throughout the Continent 
3588B.C- population & wealth increased; western Europe became organized and constructed
ceremonial monuments tombs,& fortifications
*Megalithic-Big rough-cut stones used to build monuments tombs

•Huge, open-air monument
•Built by; farming: trading poplin the west-England
•Religious center | museum
82000 B.C.-reached final form
oacontanse up to 160 massive boulders; weighed-up-to 5¢ tense each
• Aligned to the movements of the sun/ moon

The Barbarian way of life

2500 B.C.-Indo-European PPI moved into Europe
*war-like PPI
*Tribeswomen barbarian PPI to make contact w/
civilization were the Greeks


3500B... _ megalithic structures constructed in  Europe
38500 B.C.-Indo-European nomads from the Steepens  migrate into Europe; European barbarian way of life evolves

2200B... _ Minoan civilization takes root in Crete; Greeks arrive  in SE Europe
1600 B.C.-Greek fortified settlements along the Aegean develop Mycenaean cir.
1400 BC _ Destruction of Minoan towns
 1200 B.C.-Mycenaean cir falls; beginning of "park Ages" of Greek history
 800 B.C. -Recovery in the Aegean; Greek city-states form    494-4453.... Persian wars
 460-430 B.C.-Godden Age of Athens

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