Monday, February 11, 2013

Blog 12 : Notes

Today in class we took notes on Chapter 3: LO1 - The first European civilization : The Greek , 2200 - 400 B.C. , but we mainly talked about , The Stonehenge ; and the theories of how it was made ( Giant Marlen & Aliens ). Also we talk about Barbarians and there life style , which was very warlike , the lived tribal identities , lived around farming , they lived in the pre-historic Era , they built megaliths stone tombs of monuments , and there leaders were mainly warriros / warlords. 

Lastly we talk about the Geographic's of Greece

* Mountains peninsula 
* Mountains covers 3/4
* About 1,400 islands in the Aegean & Ionian Seas 
* Location shaped its culture ( rides out into the sea ) 
* Skilled sailors 
* Poor natural resources 
* Hard to unit the ancient Greeks because of the terrain ; developed small , independent communities 

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