Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blog 7: Egypt

Today in class we went over a power-point about life in Egypt around the Nile River .The Nile River flows South to North and floods every July , and Every October it leaves behind rich soil.The Nile River was an important water source ; it provided drinking , irrigating , bathing and transportation  Then we talked about The Great Sphinx of Giza.The Sphinx was built 2555 - 2532 B.C. and was built with a lion as the body and a humans head , and it the oldest monument in the world.   To build the pyramids there were "volunteers" that got paid and there were , NO SLAVES that participated in building the pyramids. And we didn't get a chance to get to Daily Life , because the bell rang. : ))

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Blog 6 : Substitute

Today Mr. Schick , wasn't in class. So we had class in room 114. Today we had Independent work on the reading LO3 , and took notes. P. 20 - 29 . The reading was manly about the pharaohs in Egypt , the temples  / statues , and just life in general in Egypt. But today's class was cool and quite. Everybody was doing they own thing , but got everything done they needed too.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Blog 5:Absent

I was not i class Friday , so i am not sure what i am suppose to do about a blog for that class: But i did the reading and below is some notes i took P.11 - 12 , P.13 - 14 ,  P.15 - 16
  The Earliest cities: Mesopotamia(Meso)

3500 B.C.; the civilizations of Mesopotamia-Egypt begin
* many Gentries everything of the Meson, Egypt were lost
but soon choreologists dug-up there cities/ scholars  Landscape, Climate, q cities
-3500 B.C. *X meson. the region around it, had many prosperous  villages
*civilization began.
•in a small area
•southernmost portion of Meso
*Where twin rivers rain close, before entering the Gulf
Summers At land of rivers swamps ice I'll rainfall
*farmers that lived in that area relied on irrigation
what began the rise to civilization???  The local climate
Priests, kings and others
* Priesthood; top of the system
→Sumerian communities grew larger & wealthier
•Allowed them to devote more time to oils Goddesses
*The priesthood led the process of social, teaching goalie. cultural innovation  out of which civilization emerged
Men, women, civilization
*the Sumerian language had word win meaning" lady" to  distinguish women of high rank from those lower down  *Ladies were important in;  on. religion  : politics gov 
Accounting i Poetry: The Birth of writing
* Sumerians themselves developed one of the worlds first  systems of writing
Great Gods-and Goddesses
Enk in *God of the life-giving river waters
             * worshiped in Eider
Nanna *The moon God
* Temple: Near the Urnk
Numbers is Measurement
*The Sumerians devised the basic processes  of arithmetic  1 multiplication  'divisor  3 square  4 cube root
Temples. ? Statues
• Build huge temple to gain the favor of the gods  OR to display the power of Kings


*At Inside temples there were.
      c•Statues of both divine Y human beings

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Blog 4: Video Day 2

Today in class , we finished going over the video. And went over a few more points about the video , and other subjects. A few points that were made were the points about how the population grew rapidly starting with , Prehistoric Era. Which causes the Agriculture to have advantages and disadvantages. The advantages were ;  Bigger population, ability to have a surplus of food allowing wonderful things like art and literature and science. For the disadvantages it lead to inequality and exploitation, serfdom, slavery, diseases due to eating a restricted diet, death and disease due to famine, diseases due to keeping domestic animals.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blog 3 : Video Day

Today's class was more of a participation and discussion thing. In class we went over the notes we took , of LO1 reading , and we watched a video on YouTube called; " The Agricultural Crash Course World History ". From that video there were a lot of good points made , but what we really went over were , that within  1500 yrs. people went from hunter and gathers to investing things , in a blink of an eye ..... which observes up to assumes human-kind is a fast moving race, also that way back when , people were way healthier , and had stronger bones then people do know. But what really caught my ear , that Mr. Schick brought up in class was that , a point made in the video today , was not a point Jared Diamond thought in his theory , which was that Most people went - up river side to get their food , one because ; the fish weren't threatening enough to eat them , and also it was easier than chasing down a mammal , to end - up missing , or end - up getting harmed by the animal .  

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Blog Post 2 : " Geographic Luck "

        `Jared Diamond was right on track about, his theory of “geographic luck”. In LO₁, the clearly explain the Prehistoric Era, and how human lived / their ways of daily life, for every man and women out in the villages.    The Prehistory Era divided into the stages of tool development. By 800 B.C. The tools in Southwestern Asia, Northeast Africa, Europe, were advanced like ever before. By 3000 – 1000 B.C. the Bronze Age replaced the stone age, and then the Iron Age after 100 B.C., soon after that other regions went through those stages by imitating and adapting these earliest advances , and though their own independent invention.
            Hunters and gathers lived in groups of 20 – 30 people. They found food, protected each other, and provided their children with what they needed. Hunter-gatherer patterns came to the situation of agrarian (framing) life. The life of agrarian led to, cultivation of plants, the taming animals, technology and new skills to adapt animals and plants. Which aloud various people / regions to have “geographic luck”. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Blog 1 : First Day of Class

Today in class , we got to pick our seats , received or WCIV books . Also Mr. Schick went over that we should sent up our blog & the daily blog we should do , and the things we need for class daily ; our text book & the notebook ( to use so we can take note during class / movies ).And he explained clearly that he doesn't want any use of the laptop during class. Also went through tonight's blogs and explained when its due.