Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blog 3 : Video Day

Today's class was more of a participation and discussion thing. In class we went over the notes we took , of LO1 reading , and we watched a video on YouTube called; " The Agricultural Crash Course World History ". From that video there were a lot of good points made , but what we really went over were , that within  1500 yrs. people went from hunter and gathers to investing things , in a blink of an eye ..... which observes up to assumes human-kind is a fast moving race, also that way back when , people were way healthier , and had stronger bones then people do know. But what really caught my ear , that Mr. Schick brought up in class was that , a point made in the video today , was not a point Jared Diamond thought in his theory , which was that Most people went - up river side to get their food , one because ; the fish weren't threatening enough to eat them , and also it was easier than chasing down a mammal , to end - up missing , or end - up getting harmed by the animal .  

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