Saturday, January 19, 2013

Blog Post 2 : " Geographic Luck "

        `Jared Diamond was right on track about, his theory of “geographic luck”. In LO₁, the clearly explain the Prehistoric Era, and how human lived / their ways of daily life, for every man and women out in the villages.    The Prehistory Era divided into the stages of tool development. By 800 B.C. The tools in Southwestern Asia, Northeast Africa, Europe, were advanced like ever before. By 3000 – 1000 B.C. the Bronze Age replaced the stone age, and then the Iron Age after 100 B.C., soon after that other regions went through those stages by imitating and adapting these earliest advances , and though their own independent invention.
            Hunters and gathers lived in groups of 20 – 30 people. They found food, protected each other, and provided their children with what they needed. Hunter-gatherer patterns came to the situation of agrarian (framing) life. The life of agrarian led to, cultivation of plants, the taming animals, technology and new skills to adapt animals and plants. Which aloud various people / regions to have “geographic luck”. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a good description of Paleolithic life, but I would have liked to see more discussion of life after the Agricultural Revolution (advantages of domesticated plants and animals, and the new roles of men and women).

