Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blog Post 33: Movie

Today in class we continued to watch the movie scene by scene.The main scene we watched was about , was when Alexander the Great and his army went into battle with the Persian army. May I say it was quite graphic, but wasn't that bad. And its amazing how they kept up with who they were killing , cause it was so dusty. Horses  and men everywhere , I would forget who was on my side or not , lol. But at the end of it all the Persian's king got away , but his empire got destroyed , and Alexander was now King of all.

Then we watch a another scene when he is about to go into battle in India. There at the Granicus River and the General is trying to get Alexander to allow the men to go home to see there family instead of them going straight into battle. But Alexander refused so he killed those who continued to     argue with him , so he could gain respect. And as soon as they hit the rode to go into battle with the indians , he experiences something he has never before. Elephants in battle , but that doesn't stop him form attacking. Which lead's to him getting to in to it , and trying to attack the king of the Indian empire without secure backup and his horse and him die right then and there. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blog Post 32: Class Power-points Day 2

Today i class we continued to present our power points which we finished:


  • The Invasion of India 
    • 327 B.C.- Alexander marched to India 
    • He invaded Punjab 
    • 326 B.C.- His forces met the Indians at Porus 
    • The Indians fought with elephants 
    • Alexander's horse died 
    • They won battle and captured Porus 
    • City he defeated he named it after his horse ( Bucephalus ) 
  • Revolt of Army 
    • After hearing of a strong army the army and he allowed them to return home 
      • After the Macedonians refused to fight 
  • Returning home 
    • Traveled South down the Hydaspers and Indus River 
  • Stopping to battle with the Malli 
    • Malli: Indian tribe 
  • Gerdosian Desert 
    • On there way to Babylon they crossed the G.D. during the middle of summer 
Death of Alexander 
  • When 
    • He died June 10, 323 B.C. or June 11, 323 B.C.
    • He was only 32 yrs. old 
  • How 
    • Theories on how he died 
      • Drank poison wine
      • Alcohol abuse 
      • No one known how he really died 
  • Where 
    • Nebuchadnezzar II in Babylon 
  • AfterMath
    • Laid in a gold sarcophagus with honey filled all in it , then was put in a gold casket 
Ruling Style 
  • Hellenistic Era 
    • Alexander's empire was the largest state of its time 
    • Hellenization purpose was to spread Greek Language, culture and pop into Persian Empire 
    • Alexander tried to combine Greek and Persian cultures 
    • Koine was ancestor of modern Greek 
  • Succession
    • Alexander passed Perdiccas his signet ring 
    • Perdiccas didn't initially claim power 
    • Alexander VI was born 
    • Division affected Macedonians
    • Macedonian unity collapsed after 40 yrs. of war 
    • Perdiccas assassinated in 321 B.C. 
    • Alexander VI and Philip II were murdered  

Friday, March 22, 2013

Blog 31: Class Power-Points

Today in class we presented our power points . My group went first , then so on. But below i will post the notes I took from other groups presentations. 

Alexander's Life:Parentage

  • King Philip II
    • Birth Place - Pella of Macedon
    • youngest son of king Amyntas III
    • Held as hostage in Thesbe
    • while held hostage he learned military and diplomatic education
    • Was king of Macedon from 359 B.C.E. until his assassination in 336 B.C.E.
  • Olympias 
    • was originally the princess. 
    • She had an arranged marriage with Philip the second because of a treaty that her father made
    • Her original name was Myrtale but after Philip the second won a horse race at the Olympics she was named Olympias. 
    • In the same year she gave birth to her oldest son Alexander who would later get the title of Alexander the Great. Later Philip and her would be estranged.
    • Her most known political impact was when she ordered Eurydice and her child Philip III to be killed. She did this in order to ensure that Alexander the Great would be king. She also claimed that
      Alexander's the Great was the son of Zeus
Alexander's Early Yrs.
  • Circumstances of his births 
    • Alex the Great was born in the Pella region of Macedonia on Sept. 20th 350 B.C. 
    • Parents: King Philip II & Olympias 
  • Bucephalus
    • 344 B.C - dealer from Thessalia offered King Philip a black horse
    • Alex had the horse since he was 12 yrs. old, he even rode into battle                                                 
  • Education 
    • Tutored by Leonidas - Math , Horsemanship & archery 
    • Also tutored by Lysimachus - used role play to teach 
    • 343 B.C - tutored by Aristotle at  the temple of the Nymphs at Meiza 
    • Education ended at Meiza in 340 B.C.
Philips Death & Alex's Rise to Power 
  • Philip II's Assassination 
    • Oct. 336 B.C.E. - Philip was found killed in Aegean
    • Assassinated by; Pausanias of Orestes 1/7 bodyguards  
      • Reasons why he got assassinated ( maybe ) 
        • The bodyguard was jealous of Philip's other relationships ( They were gay ) 
        • He was payed by the Persians 
  • Family's Relationships 
    • A lot of Tension 
    • Philip II was married to Cleopatra at the wedding 
  • Alex's Power
    • Nobody respected Alex at first 
    • 20 yrs old when he assumed power 
    • People doubted him, and he had his doubters killed , to show he don't play around and other to take him more seriously 
Military Career 
  • Fight with Persians 
    • Area of Persia was much bigger than Macedonia
    • they thought they were in revenge with King Philip II
    • And they were led by King Darius 
  • Battle of Granicus River 
    • 355 B.C. - Alex crossed the Hellespont into Asia
    • Alex fought many battles on River banks , able-ing him to minimize the advantage of the Persians: which led to his VICTORY 
  • Siege of Halicarnassus  
    • 334 B.C.
  • Conquering Egypt 
    • Gaza 
    • Lots of trade
    • Men were killed , women & kids were sold into slavery 
    • Alex fought with his army instead of watching on a throne 
    •  Egypt named Alex the incarnation of Ra & Osiris 
    • And he left Egypt in their hands , but made them pay taxes 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Blog 30 : PowerPoint assignment

Today in class we got into our groups and started our project, about Alexander the Great. I'm in a group with Julia & Hayden. After i made the power-point and shared it with everyone, we pretty much got to work  are done for the most part. We should add a few more slides , but ehhhh.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blog 29: Class Notes

In class we read Chapter 5. Highlighted a few notes and I happen to write so down. We disused the   Life before and during the Peloponnesian War for the Athens and for Sparta. Life before for the Athens; They were on a democracy , trading markets , people had power , there was a divers use of communication , it was peaceful , and educational. During the war the Plague came along , they were locked-in to there city-state, and rarely did they get exports. An in Sparta during the war they had a struggling Economy. We also went over .
The Reasons Why… Several Factors Contributed to Athens Losing the Peloponnesian War 

  • Natural Disaster and Poor Leadership 
  • In 430 B.C., a terrible plague struck Athens, killing thousands of inhabitants, including Pericles himself.
  • Athens recovered, but leadership of the city passed to reckless politicians who spurned Sparta's offers of compromise and “peace without victory.”
  • Damaging Losses

Monday, March 18, 2013

Blog 29 : Chapter 5

  1. Hellenistic:   The "international" period of Greek history, when much of the Mediterranean and southwestern Asia was under Greek rule.The period of Greek history between the death of Macedonia King and Alexandra the Great
  2. The Athenians lost the Peloponnesian War because Spartans had a better Army then Athens. They would take the time to train their young boys at a young age to fight when they are older. They brainwashed the young boys and made them believe that they were to defend their city and fight all their life and nothing else, and overall Sparta was way more well prepared than the Athenians, plus stronger. The geography was a disadvantage.
    For the most part the war was fought on water.  Athenians did have a better navy but overall their strategies sand warriors were not as advanced or "ready" as the Spartans warriors are. The Athenian army had gotten totally defeated by the Spartan army.
    Overall the Spartans were better than the Athenians. The Spartans had advanced fighting skills and they were hard-hitting.The Athens were too cocky , because they once beat the Persians twice and were too mind-blown , but didn't realize that Sparta and the Persian teamed up to defeat them.Therefore they lost the war and had to go under control of an oligarchy because of Sparta.
    As time passed Sparta eventually lost numerous amounts of men. Eventually The Athenians went back to a democracy since they clearly overruled the Spartans. Which lead them successfully back to their independence. 
  3. 359 B.C. -  King Philip II of Macedonia comes to power and organizes a special military engineer group, and moves to control Greece  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Post 27 : Same old thing ; Just a different day

well nothing new in class today, we watched the video were we left off. Our notes we toke today were many on Socrates. 

  • He was found guilty; and received the penalty of death 
  • He dranks posin as hie death penalty 
  • He demands free dinner for life 
  • During his cases in court the used waetr pots as a timer for people to talk and when the water ran out , time was up for them to speak
  • he was a hero for what he said ( spoke his mind ) 
  • He had many chances to get out to jail / away from his case 
    • 1. just say sorry 
    • 2. Change his attutude ( he was to cocky ) 
    • 3. When his friends came to break him out ; he coulda went with them

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blog Post 26 : Video Continued

Ahhh , today nothing new..... we continued to watched the movie on Greeks and stuff. We mainly took notes on Thallies , whom was the first man to measuers the height of the pyuriamds , by shoadow and worte the eaerliet book of navagation. Also we took notes on Socrates : He loved city like life , used reason and logic to think / deabate with people , and he lived on a qiute such a "The unexamied life is not worth living". Lastly we took a few notes on Pericles on how he dided in 429 B.C. from thr Plage ( killed over a 3rd of the city )

Monday, March 11, 2013

Blog 25: Class Review

today in class we didn't do much , but go over the video and the notes we took. Then we continued he video for a little while and took notes on the theater and a story.
Oedipus ( Kigs ) : was a story about a young man that killed his farther , married his mother , and parlized himself all by accident. Also we learned a Geel trem today: Hubirus: People who were in power that were so arregent. Think the don't have to do anything / follow rulers

Friday, March 8, 2013

Blog 24: Video Day 4

We had a sub today , but no biggie . We just continued to watch the movie and took notes.
The notes I took today were mainly on the Persian ,coming back for another fight , but the Athens had Cethiceness as , their ruler during that time. And he thought ahead of the game , left the land area and suggested the fight on water in stead on land. He knew what they were doing , they were head of the Navy. Then soon after the King Darius died and his son Xerxes took over.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blog 23: Video Day 3

Took notes on .....

  • 490 B.C  
    • Phitipites
      • Ran a marathon to get help ( 140 miles in 2 days )
  • Early 5th century 
    • Persian Empire 
    • Diraus : The greatest King 
      • some people covered their mouth so they wouldn't pollute "his air

  • The Athens Army 
    • Hoplies ( rich fighter w/ full armor ) 
  • Persain's weren't as hyped and ready as the Greeks were ( Athens ) 
  • Persia's had them beat 2 to 1 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Blog 22 : Video Day 2

today was the 2nd day of watching the video. We took notes again , but mainly on .... Pisistratus who was a ruler that introduced; loans and reduced taxes , and encouraged people to work on their own. Also took notes on a few dates :
                  527 B.C.

      • Pisistratus died 
      • His son Hippias takes over , and he starts to freak-out , so he end-ups getting strict on rules
                 776 B.C.
      • Olympics began
        • crate racing 
        • running 
        • wrestling
            508 B.C.
      • 1st time people toke over and kicked-out / went against their leader 
      • Atheines people turned to Cleistenes 
Vocab : 
  • Ostratize: Gone
  • Agora: Where the citizenes of Athenis exspressed their feelings / voting