Friday, March 22, 2013

Blog 31: Class Power-Points

Today in class we presented our power points . My group went first , then so on. But below i will post the notes I took from other groups presentations. 

Alexander's Life:Parentage

  • King Philip II
    • Birth Place - Pella of Macedon
    • youngest son of king Amyntas III
    • Held as hostage in Thesbe
    • while held hostage he learned military and diplomatic education
    • Was king of Macedon from 359 B.C.E. until his assassination in 336 B.C.E.
  • Olympias 
    • was originally the princess. 
    • She had an arranged marriage with Philip the second because of a treaty that her father made
    • Her original name was Myrtale but after Philip the second won a horse race at the Olympics she was named Olympias. 
    • In the same year she gave birth to her oldest son Alexander who would later get the title of Alexander the Great. Later Philip and her would be estranged.
    • Her most known political impact was when she ordered Eurydice and her child Philip III to be killed. She did this in order to ensure that Alexander the Great would be king. She also claimed that
      Alexander's the Great was the son of Zeus
Alexander's Early Yrs.
  • Circumstances of his births 
    • Alex the Great was born in the Pella region of Macedonia on Sept. 20th 350 B.C. 
    • Parents: King Philip II & Olympias 
  • Bucephalus
    • 344 B.C - dealer from Thessalia offered King Philip a black horse
    • Alex had the horse since he was 12 yrs. old, he even rode into battle                                                 
  • Education 
    • Tutored by Leonidas - Math , Horsemanship & archery 
    • Also tutored by Lysimachus - used role play to teach 
    • 343 B.C - tutored by Aristotle at  the temple of the Nymphs at Meiza 
    • Education ended at Meiza in 340 B.C.
Philips Death & Alex's Rise to Power 
  • Philip II's Assassination 
    • Oct. 336 B.C.E. - Philip was found killed in Aegean
    • Assassinated by; Pausanias of Orestes 1/7 bodyguards  
      • Reasons why he got assassinated ( maybe ) 
        • The bodyguard was jealous of Philip's other relationships ( They were gay ) 
        • He was payed by the Persians 
  • Family's Relationships 
    • A lot of Tension 
    • Philip II was married to Cleopatra at the wedding 
  • Alex's Power
    • Nobody respected Alex at first 
    • 20 yrs old when he assumed power 
    • People doubted him, and he had his doubters killed , to show he don't play around and other to take him more seriously 
Military Career 
  • Fight with Persians 
    • Area of Persia was much bigger than Macedonia
    • they thought they were in revenge with King Philip II
    • And they were led by King Darius 
  • Battle of Granicus River 
    • 355 B.C. - Alex crossed the Hellespont into Asia
    • Alex fought many battles on River banks , able-ing him to minimize the advantage of the Persians: which led to his VICTORY 
  • Siege of Halicarnassus  
    • 334 B.C.
  • Conquering Egypt 
    • Gaza 
    • Lots of trade
    • Men were killed , women & kids were sold into slavery 
    • Alex fought with his army instead of watching on a throne 
    •  Egypt named Alex the incarnation of Ra & Osiris 
    • And he left Egypt in their hands , but made them pay taxes 

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