Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blog Post 32: Class Power-points Day 2

Today i class we continued to present our power points which we finished:


  • The Invasion of India 
    • 327 B.C.- Alexander marched to India 
    • He invaded Punjab 
    • 326 B.C.- His forces met the Indians at Porus 
    • The Indians fought with elephants 
    • Alexander's horse died 
    • They won battle and captured Porus 
    • City he defeated he named it after his horse ( Bucephalus ) 
  • Revolt of Army 
    • After hearing of a strong army the army and he allowed them to return home 
      • After the Macedonians refused to fight 
  • Returning home 
    • Traveled South down the Hydaspers and Indus River 
  • Stopping to battle with the Malli 
    • Malli: Indian tribe 
  • Gerdosian Desert 
    • On there way to Babylon they crossed the G.D. during the middle of summer 
Death of Alexander 
  • When 
    • He died June 10, 323 B.C. or June 11, 323 B.C.
    • He was only 32 yrs. old 
  • How 
    • Theories on how he died 
      • Drank poison wine
      • Alcohol abuse 
      • No one known how he really died 
  • Where 
    • Nebuchadnezzar II in Babylon 
  • AfterMath
    • Laid in a gold sarcophagus with honey filled all in it , then was put in a gold casket 
Ruling Style 
  • Hellenistic Era 
    • Alexander's empire was the largest state of its time 
    • Hellenization purpose was to spread Greek Language, culture and pop into Persian Empire 
    • Alexander tried to combine Greek and Persian cultures 
    • Koine was ancestor of modern Greek 
  • Succession
    • Alexander passed Perdiccas his signet ring 
    • Perdiccas didn't initially claim power 
    • Alexander VI was born 
    • Division affected Macedonians
    • Macedonian unity collapsed after 40 yrs. of war 
    • Perdiccas assassinated in 321 B.C. 
    • Alexander VI and Philip II were murdered  

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