Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Post 27 : Same old thing ; Just a different day

well nothing new in class today, we watched the video were we left off. Our notes we toke today were many on Socrates. 

  • He was found guilty; and received the penalty of death 
  • He dranks posin as hie death penalty 
  • He demands free dinner for life 
  • During his cases in court the used waetr pots as a timer for people to talk and when the water ran out , time was up for them to speak
  • he was a hero for what he said ( spoke his mind ) 
  • He had many chances to get out to jail / away from his case 
    • 1. just say sorry 
    • 2. Change his attutude ( he was to cocky ) 
    • 3. When his friends came to break him out ; he coulda went with them

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