Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Blog Post 46 : Movie continued

In class we continued the movie ; and the main part we watched was about,Tiberius getting married to a woman, but through an arranged marriage. That brought two families together. At the end of the day Tiberius got killed because they thought that he was trying to become king. All he wanted to do was give the power to the people / give them a voice. But the Senate thought that he wanted all the power for himself. The Senate ended up chasing him and beating him to death, and then throwing his body into the Tiber River.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Blog Post 45 : Movie Class

Today in class we watched a video about Rome that the BBC (British broadcasting) made, and didn't discuss much. I really didn't keep up with it much... Monday, i was tired and, yeah so it didn't go as planned.. Overall the clips were kinda boring and good but  informative.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Blog Post 44: Class

Today in class we just went over our test . It was a cool class, but we just keep going off track a lot and it was annoying , I could say.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Blog Post 43 : quiz

Today in western civilization, we took our Tizz , it was kinda easy accept there were a few questions I didn't really know the answer to. After we finished the quest we just hung out and talked and got our homework. a reading we have to do.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Blog Post 42: Punic War Notes

  • The Punic War came from the Poeni latin name for the Phoenicians 
  • Were fought on land and sea in 3 different rounds between 264 and 146 B.C. 
  • 1st War 
    • After the welfare , Rome was able to force Carthage out of Sicily, but the North African city kept the rest of it's empire  
  • 2nd War 
    • The carthaginian general Hannibal invaded Italy  defeated several Roman armies, and brought Rome to the brink of defeat 
    • End of 2nd war ended in 202 B.C., Carthage was disarmed and helpless
  • 3rd War 
    • 146 B.C. 
    • Carthage was captured after bitter fighting 
    • the senate ordered the city to be leveled 
    • people were sold into slavery
    • in 202 B.C - ROme had won control of the western Mediterranean   

Monday, April 22, 2013

Blog Post 41: More Rome Notes

  • 3 Punic War : Carthage vs. Rome 
  • Hannibal - General from carthage 28 yrs. old 
    • he sent soldiers to attack Rome; from the Northern area which Rome wasn't prepared for plus they attacked with elephants  
    • They went through the Pyrenees Mountains and the Alps -- but they people were a fail 
    • And Rome won 
  • Rome decided to become just plain heartless and crush carthage
  • The rich is getting richer ; the own who owned land 
  • 1/3 rd of Rome's population are slaves   
    • Lots didn't live a comfortable life 
  • Woman weren't able to keep-up with farmland, cause the men were at war 
    • So rich would come in and try to buy their land , because it wasn't being taking care of 
  • Latifundia -  A large farm worked by slaves 
  • After the fact of the men came home and they didn't have anything
    • So they moved to Rome , to find better opportunities ( better life )  
      • they were poor / desserped
      • The urban poor made most of the population in Rome 
      •  They went into welfare and gave them enough food and entertained them with gladiator shows ( fights ) 
        • Gladiator Fights 
          • People fight till death; Criminals , christians and animals 
  • The Gracchus Brothers 
    • Tried to change the Gov. 
    • Said to the rich people "You got more then you need, give some back to the soldiers that were soldiers in Punic War / the poor"
      • But the rich just laughed 
      • And there idea spreaded and gotten popular by the people, but the rich didn't like it , so one of the brothers got killed and thrown into the Tiber River  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Blog Post 40 : Rome Notes

  • 3 groups of people settled in Rome 
  • Rome was built on swampland; messy, marshe
  • Tarquin got ran out of town, cause of his son's crime 
  • Tarquin was the last king of Monarchy / ROme 
  • Town put their heads together to make a combo the governments 
    • Democracy 
    • Aristocracy 
    • Monarchy 
  • Had 2 consuls - if one had a crazy idea, one could veto the other 
  • Once they were consul , they couldn't run again till 10 yrs. later 
    • Chosen by senate 
  • Law couldn't be a secret, so then they craved the 12 tables and placed them where everyone could see / know 
  • Roman Legion - Around 4-5,000 soldiers they were mobile , they move quick , and some were on horseback ( Cavalry )

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Blog Post 39: Sub

Today we had a asub, didn't do much but work on our video . Which we got a good start on , but then it got erased ; because it wasn't properly saved. So we have to start all over : ((

Monday, April 15, 2013

Plog Post 38 : Ummmmm 0.o

We really didn't do anything , but start our movie project. which i really annoying and i hate it. We not getting any progress really. I hope things improve. Well yeah. Peace.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Blog 37 : Roman Expansion LO2

Our presentation comic link is below and I worked with Alexandra. And my notes are below from the chapter section:
  • Their 1st war was against the neighboring Etruscans, competing Italian tribes and barbarian invaders
  • Roman;s main assets in effort was its superior army 
Allies and Colonies 
  • The Romans were shrewdly generous in their treatment of defeated enemies 
  • THey tightened their control over the Italian peninsula by creating a network of colonies of settlers from Rome 
  • Rome had its share of incompetent commanders and panicky soldiers 
    • however disastrously its armies might be defeated, there were always other armies to take their place 
The Punic Wars 
  • 250 B.C. - Roman methods of conquest and administration paid handsome dividends , all of Italy south of the River Po was in Romans hands 
    • this success brought Rome into collision with a rival-state beyond the sea 
  • 700 B.C. - Phoenician colonists  was founded 
  • The Punic Wars were waged on land and sea in 3 vicious rounds between 264 and 146 B.C.
  • At the end of the Second Punic War in 202 B.C., Carthage was disarmed and helpless.
  • Eventually, fearing a Carthaginian revival, Rome provoked a third war, and in 146 B.C., Carthage was captured after bitter fighting. In a final act of vengeance, the Senate ordered the city
  •  in 202 B.C., Rome had won control of the western Mediterranean.
Conquering an Empire
  • The former possessions of Carthage in Sicily, Spain, and Africa became the first Roman provinces
  • after 27 B.C., that the provinces began to share in the benefits of Roman order.
  •  some local rulers survived by becoming client kings, bound to Rome by ties of allegiance and support like those between Roman patrons and clients
  • in the first century A.D. their kingdoms were mostly absorbed into the empire as normal provinces
  • Rome's first involvement was in Greece, and it grew out of a special invitation
  • Around 200 B.C., ambassadors from various Greek city-states appealed to Rome for aid in resisting the king of Macedonia, who had been allied with Carthage

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Blog Post 36 - Rap Tastic

Today in class Mr.Shick did his rap about Rome , which is posted below , and also he went over a few more important notes.

Well, you got the Etruscans and the Greeks
But the Latins came first
To the shores of the River Tiber
They drained a swamp (They drained a swamp)
Next thing you know
Livin’ in Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
Now Tarquin’s kinda proud
But he got a little loud (little loud)
They turned around and ran that tyrant outta town (hey!)
Next thing you know (next thing you know)
No kings no more
Happened in Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
Hey, we got three governments rolled into one
Patricians and plebeians havin’ some fun
Two consuls gotta be better than one
Brand new republic ready to run
Plus monarchy
Not a tyranny
Ho-o-o-old up wait a minute, do I see what I think I… hey!
That’s a Roman legion clear as day
5000 soldiers not in it for pay
Group of eighty’s a century
On horseback is the cavalry
Shield, sword, dagger, and armor and tunic
Fightin ’gainst Carthage in wars that are Punic
Hannibal riding on elephant back
Crossing the Alps just to launch his attack
So now you get the picture (picture)
All the rich are getting richer (richer)
And they’re livin’ on the latifundia
Farmers can’t cope (They just can’t cope)
They’re low on hope
They moved to Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
I can hear the brothers Gracchus
Sayin, “Rich, please don’t attack us” (don’t attack us)
“We got a feeling that the senators will whack us” (hey!)
They hit the floor (they hit the floor)
Next thing you know
It’s civil war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war
Hey, let me take you back to 60 BC
It’s the start of the rise of Julius C
He grabbed two dudes and he formed a team
It’s a triumvirate -- that’s a group of three
“Crassus (come on), Pompey (come on), I’m JC! (come on)
We three will rule!
What you think I'm playin, baby girl?  I'm the man!
I'm conquering Gaul!”
All of his soldiers gave him their devotion
That’s why he swept over Gaul just like an ocean
Pompey couldn’t understand all the commotion
When he crossed the Rubicon, he kept up motion
It’s just like a potion
Caesar had self-locomotion
Power’s an ambitious emotion
Dictator is not a demotion
It’s promotion
But in 44 BC (BC)
On a day called March 15 (Ides of March)
Brutus and the Senate murdered Julius C
He hit the floor (he hit the floor)
Next thing you know
Caesar’s no more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
You know he’s so depressed
23 stab wounds in his chest (in his chest)
He saw his friend and he raised one last protest (hey!)
Et tu, Brute?” (Et tu, Brute?)
That’s what he say
Cuz he felt low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Only eighteen, Octavian makin’ the scene
He says, “I tell you what,
Got a new triumvirate
Here’s my boy Lepidus
And Mark Antony I trust”
(‘Til Marky met this chick
Cleopatra from Egypt)
Octavian was freakin’
Lust for power started peakin’
“Don’t try to play me or my navy,
At Actium you won’t slay me”
“O” won that game
Did explain
Now Augustus was his name
All his subjects did proclaim
He’s in the Roman Hall of Fame
Twenty-seven BC (BC)
For a couple hundred years (207)
Pax Romana is the word that brings the cheers (Yay!)
They’re on a roll (they’re on a roll)
They built some roads
Leading to Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
Slaves don’t have many rights and
Then there’s gladiator fightin’ (OW!)
People find the Circus Maximus excitin’ (hey!)
Blood on the floor (knee-deep in gore)
And now you know
All about Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome

  • You can be rich and still be a plebeian, the difference is you don't have the influence or connection. You could become a patrician by maybe marrying into it. 
  • You were either one or the other and most of the time you were born into it. 
  • Consul was the senate in its original form. the Senate had 300 people in it. Among the 300 were two Consul who were more powerful than the rest. They were in charge of military and ran everything. After Tarquin they did not want to see only one person with all the power. The reason they had two people was so that each of the consul had veto power on the other. They could either both agree but one could say no and it would not happen. 
  • It was bad though because they do not want one to get super powerful. Consul serve for one year a piece but then wouldn't be able to run again for another 10 years. 
  • Rome might every once and awhile have an emergency and then they would name a dictator, one person, who doesn't need to consult that could act on the matter quickly, and the dictator was only there for 6 months. 
  • The patricians had a lot of power in the government. The plebeians did not have any legal written protection.
  • The 12 Tables: set of laws that were written down and posted publicly of the laws of the land in Rome. It described what rights people had if someone committed a crime against them.
  • This gave them some sort of protection against patricians.
  •  around 450 B.C. the tables were written.
  • The plebeians then got their own branch of government, and could make suggestions.
  • They had their own consuls and farmers started to elect tributes.
  • It gave them the right to veto laws against the Senate. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Blog Post 35 - Important Points

Today we got back our test and went over it. And then Mr.Schick gave us some notes the he thought were important.

  • The Romans loved the way the Greeks did things, and improved on it. They had the golden age, build Parthenon, had good warfare, and gov. 
  • Italy could raise more food and have more people, because their land was not as mountainous.
  • The first people that settled on the Roman peninsula was the Latins, settled at mouth of Ti-bra River. The Romans thought they were put their to rule over the earth, and the gods put them their for their destiny.
  • 3 groups / people settled their, Latins, Etruscans, Greeks. 
  • Latins first learned their alphabet and learned their knowledge of Greek letters originally. As well as gods. 
  • Patricians are the aristocrats  the ones with the money and power handed to them from parents, has same root word of father. Upper class citizens. 
  • Plebeians were everyone else in the society that was lower down, still had money sometimes but slightly inferior. 
  • The Senate: ran the peoples business. The Patricians were in the Senate. Sensex meant old man, and that was the original root word. If the king died his successor was chosen by the Senate, didn't always have to be his son.
  •  Peoples business  that's what they referred their government too. Latin is res publica (where the word republic comes from)
  • Around 500 BC monarchy was abolished. Tarquin the Proud was the LAST king of Rome. It was all his fault, they overthrew the government because he was harsh, crushed people, and ruled with "an iron fist".  He finally got thrown out of power because Tarquin sons attacked Lucretia and raped her, and that was thing that caused him to be overthrown. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Blog Post 34: Alexander's Test and Class Notes LO-1 City-State and Empire: The Roman Republic, ( p. 88-94 )

Today in class we looked reviewed over our power points and  then we took our test on Alexander. It was pretty easy , but I'm pretty sure i got a couple wrong.but below i posted the notes i took on the reading

  • The War fighting methods of Roman armies 
    • more consistently , successful than those of the Greeks 
    • Rome's treatment of conquered enemies was usually more generous
City-State and Empire: The Roman Republic 

  • Italy and its peoples 
    • Era of Indo-European migrations, when the Hittites moved into Asia Minor and the Greek into the Aegean 
    • The Indo European settlers formed various tribal groups, among them the Latin people of central Italy 
    • Around 750 B.C. these settlements joined to form a single city-state, Rome 
    • 2 main types of people lived in Italy; the Etruscans and the Greeks. They had a decisive influence in the growth of Roman civil.  
    • Etruscan kings ruled, Rome 
    • Romans adopted a gladiatorial combats, and the masonry arch
  • The Roman Republic: The Senate and the People
  • Patricians and Plebeians 
  • Mixed Government 
Republican Values 
  • The City and the Gods 
    • the Republic, Rome had a special relationship with 3 deities, whose joint temple stood on the Capitol
    • These deities were the sky-god Jupiter (Zeus) - whom Greek city-states worshiped 
    • the fertility goddess Juno(the same as Hera) , & Minerva (Athena), goddess of skill and wisdom 
  • Citizens and the Community 
    • Men took for granted that the women of Rome had no right , duty to share in politics & gov.
  • The Community and the Family 

  •  Patricians: Upper-class citizens who belonged to the oldest and noblest Roman families 
  • Republic:  In reference to ancient Rome, the system of city-state gov. in which decision-making power was shared between the Senate and assemblies of male citizens 
  • Plebeians: The Roman common people, including workers, small farmers, and wealthy people who were not patricians 
  • Senate:  In ancient Rome, a gov. assembly appointed by the king, and under the Republic by the consuls; originally all members were patricians, but in time wealthy plebeians were appointed as well 
  • Consuls: In the Roman Republic, 2 senators who led the gov. and military for 1-yr. terms and appointed their own successors 
  • Dictator: In the Roman Republic, a single leader with full decision-making powers, appointed for a maximum 6 month term during times of emergency 
  • Tribunes:Magistrates elected by the plebeians, who eventually gained the power to initiate and veto laws 
  • Client: A person who provides personal services in return for money and protection from a patron 
  • Patron:  A wealthy person who supports other with money and protection in exchange for personal services 
  • Pontiff: In ancient Rome , one of the Republic's leading priest 
  • Paterfamilias: The " family father" in ancient Rome, who had unlimited power over his household 
  • Matron:  Title of honor given to a married woman in ancient Rome 

  • 9th century B.C. 
    • Etruscans move into Italy 
  • 8th century B.C. 
    • 1st Greek colonies in southern Italy; settlements near the mouth of the Tiber River join to form the city-state 
  • 7th century B.C.
    • Etruscans conquer Latium 
  • 500 B.C. 
    • Rome overthrows Etruscan rule 
    • Rome became a Greek-style city-state that was no longer ruled by kings 
    • Romen Gov systems : The Republic 
      • For several centuries more stable and more effective than any in Greece 
  • 450 B.C. 
    • 12 tables, first written Roman legal code 
  • 264 - 146 B.C.
    • Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage 
  • 250 B.C. 
    • All of Italy south of the River Po is in Roman hands; plebeians share political rights with patricians 
  • 202 B.C. 
    • Rome wins control of western Mediterranean 
  • 1st century B.C.
    • Most non-Romans in Italy win citizen rights; Romans expand into the eastern Mediterranean and then into western Europe 
  • 44 B.C. Julius Caesar becomes dictator for life; members of the Senantes assassinate him 
  • 31 B.C. Octavian's forces defeat Antony and Cleopatra; Octavian becomes supreme ruler of Rome