Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Blog Post 40 : Rome Notes

  • 3 groups of people settled in Rome 
  • Rome was built on swampland; messy, marshe
  • Tarquin got ran out of town, cause of his son's crime 
  • Tarquin was the last king of Monarchy / ROme 
  • Town put their heads together to make a combo the governments 
    • Democracy 
    • Aristocracy 
    • Monarchy 
  • Had 2 consuls - if one had a crazy idea, one could veto the other 
  • Once they were consul , they couldn't run again till 10 yrs. later 
    • Chosen by senate 
  • Law couldn't be a secret, so then they craved the 12 tables and placed them where everyone could see / know 
  • Roman Legion - Around 4-5,000 soldiers they were mobile , they move quick , and some were on horseback ( Cavalry )

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