Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blog Post 47 : Class Notes - The overthrow of the Roman Republic

  • What's wrong with Rome 
    • People have problems 
    • The soldiers/farmers lost their farm's when they returned from Italy 
    • They were Proletarian 
  • Hey ! It'd s Living 
    • War Profiteers ( the Rich / Military officers ) 
      • Bought ruined farms 
      • 150 B.C. slaves made-up 1/3 of the population of Italy 
      • Small plots were merged into large estates: used for; vineyards, olive groves or pastureland for livestock 
  • The Gracchi attempt reform 
    • They tried to help get rights for the poor 
    • murdered by the senate 
      • The plan ( could have worked & changed history ) 
        • Resettle the city's poor 
        • Provide a public subsidy of grain 
        • this plan would raise the # of independent self sufficient farmers 
        • reduce gap between rich & poor Tribunes came short of time , only could serve 1 yr. 
        • His re-election simply enraged his enemies 
        • Senate killed Tiberius & over 300 of hi supporters
        • Gaius ( 9 yrs. younger ) makes it his goal to carry his brother job 
          • But soon he also got killed by the Senate 
  • The start of the rise of Julius Caesar 
    • talented patrician 
    • formed a unique gov. with 2 former sulla 
      • Pompey: Accomplished general 
      •  Crassus: Richest man in Rome 
    • Julius conquered parts of Britain & Germany ( in 8 yrs. ) 
    • Giving him great wealth & power
  • Power & Ambition 
    • Pompey's is jealous & the Senate is worried 
    • they tell Caesar to disband his army before returning to Rome 
      • He didn't listen and crossed the Rubicon and maked a grand, heroic entrance 
      • Pompey gets defeated in Greece 
  • Large & In charge 
    • 46 B.C. - claimed the title of "Father of the Fatherland" 
    • J.Caesar appointed himself as; supreme po
    • With his power he extended Roman citizenship to parts of Gaul 
    • Build splendid buildings / roads 
    • March 15 ( 44 B.C. ): Murder of J.Caesar by the Senate 
      • Senate felt he was doing to much  
      • And was trying to do the right thing for the republican 
  • After the Murder 
    • Mark Antony & Octavian ( 18 yrs. ) each got some of J.Caesar's troops and formed NEW triumvirate with another warland - Lepidus 
      • They battled each-other 
    • M.Antony has a love affair with Cleopatra ( Ruler of Egypt ) - unpopular in Rome 
    • Octavian pushes out Lepidus 
  • When everything Settles 
    • Octavian is supreme warland 
    • Runs military dictatorship 
    • The name "Augustus" - revered one 
    • In charge of greatest empire in the world 
    • Start of Pax Romana ( Roman Place )

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