Monday, May 13, 2013

Blog Post 53 : Questions

Today in class we just went over a few things and made up some question that may be in the test 
-     What’s a princeps
a.       1st citizen , with a traditional Roman name
2.       What the title Caesar means?
a.       A title to the designated successor of a regaining empire
3.       When did the Pax Romana begin?
a.       27 B.C. and it lasted 207 years
4.       What steps did Augustus go through to build a government?
a.       He brought the government under his control
b.      Showed respect for local institutions
c.       He reorganized the army
5.       What did Constantine do for the roman empire
a.       He made so that people don't have to be scared to be a Christian or any other religion
6.       Who took over after Augustus and what was his relationship to him?
a.       His name was Tiberius and he was his stepson
7.       What was the revision of Constantine
a.       The cross in the sky saying conquer  by this
8.       Where did it take place?
a.       Battle of milvian bridge
b.      Right before battle he prayed to the Christian god and then the cross in the sky appeared
9.       What did he do right before he went into battle?
a.       They painted crosses on their shields
10.   What god did the Christians have to give sacrifices too after the fire?
a.       Jupiter
11.   What new government under decollation had how many officials?
a.       20,000
12.   What were the 3 out of the five problems in the roman empire
a.       Epidemic disease
b.      They couldn't defend the frontier against barbarians
c.       Emperors began to lose their hold on powers
d.      They didn't have a big enough army because it was too expensive to maintain
13.   Who did Christianity appeal too?
a.       Poor people because there was a lot of them and they were vulnerable and the other ones made rich people feel like they were the only worthy ones but Christianity goes out to all people.
14.   What did the edict of Milan do?
a.       Constantine declared it and it tolerated all religions.    

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